19 August 2012

There's not a president for me...

So the three main presidential candidates that are flooding the media at the moment would be Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul. You would think that between the three options I should be able to support one of them... But I can't. I think no matter who wins, even the unlikely Ron Paul, we the american people will lose.

Starting from the top, Barack Obama has pushed for more government power. As far as I have seen from the news in the last four years he has increased government spending and debt by increasing welfare benefits and instating government issued and mandated health care and next he has said he plans on letting the taxes go up... Here is the problem, I don't really trust the government very much. So far they have been passing more and more and more and more laws to the point where there is not a chance that all those laws can ever be enforced cause no one really knows even half of them. So the idea that the government is actually competent to manage things better if they have even more of my money seems absurd. Government has been neglecting the responsibilities it should be taking care of, and instead been trying to stick its fingers in everyone else's pie and in effect screwing up everything that they should keep their noses out of. All these social issues, Abortion, Gay Marriage, etc, Government shouldn't have a say in any of it. And yet Barack wants to continue in that direction, having the government go on signing more laws they can't pass, managing poorly the programs already in place, and sticking its noses into issues it should stay they heck out of.

Mitt Romney, A Two faced puppet of big business. Mitt Romney has flip flopped way too much on all sorts of subjects and in my opinion he is doing it just to get votes, or rather, his advisers have told him to change his stance so that he could pull in all the extreme right folks. Then you look at who is funding Mitt Romney? Big companies like AT&T... He has promised to leave the tax cuts in place and from what I've heard, he has also been advocating for the letting up of several regulations on large corporations. One frightening example I've heard of is that if Mitt Romney becomes president, he intends to sign laws which will make it more appealing for corporations to stop providing company funded health insurance to it's employees. Frankly I'm not very trusting of large corporations either, especially when I see how much some companies and CEO's make and yet how little they care to reward their workers. Not to mention the sheer quality of work that large companies are outputting, they are charging more and more for less and less. I've bought two pairs of shoes and put them through regular work wear and both pairs of shoes were unwearable within 6 months. Companies seem to be only out for one thing, to screw you out of more money.

And last but not least (well maybe) Ron Paul, The guy that wants to blow up the Fed?!? Don't even get me started on this guy... His whole campaign has revolved around one thing, shutting down the Federal Reserve. This guy has obviously not taken a good economics course and actually learned what the Fed does. Our economy is like a steam engine, and the amount of money in the system is kind of like the steam in a boiler. If you get too much steam (inflation) the whole thing blows up, if you get too little, you don't have the power to drive your pistons. That is why you have something on the boiler called a pressure regulator valve. The Fed, that is the pressure regulator valve. If you take that off then there is nothing stopping this crazy emergent economy we have to possibly go screaming off into inflated ruin like so many other countries have done in the past. What with gold bugs trying to already defraud our currency, once the faith is lost in the currency, it is over. The Fed has been one of the most responsible, well educated, highly regulated organizations in this whole country. And Ron Paul's main aim is to tear it down... But it doesn't stop there, What would he do after he tears it down? I have no clue. No one will say what his stance on everything else is. He is so monomaniac about the Fed that I have no clue what he will do about welfare and healthcare and social security and foreign policy... oh wait... I did hear him say something about foreign policy, "Lets give Iran Nukes" *HEADDESK* Are you kidding me? That's it I've to to stop talking about this guy...

So to sum it up, I think we should just change our flag to a white flag that says Welcome to America, surrender your Rights, To Government or Corporations. Yeah, I think that would about say it all...

I guess if Ron Paul actually won, his ineptitude might finally bring everything crashing down and we could start all over again... Like a reset button on the computer. Hmm, save your work guys...

Till next time,

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